Do not miss the exclusive interview with Charlie Bewley which will be broadcast live on the TA via Ustream


We were fortunate enough to have Charlie’s busy schedule open up to have a one-on-one chat with TA’s reporter, Kara. Charlie Bewley, who plays Demetri in ‘the Twilight Saga: Eclipse’, has been busy shooting in the Ukraine for his latest movie project, Soldiers of Fortune as well as making his rounds around the world promoting a movie we’re all anticipating, Eclipse.

We’ll be broadcasting the live interview on our website using TA’s Ustream. More exciting news is that we’ll be opening up Ustream’s chat to take in fan questions to ask Charlie. Kara and TA’s on-site staff will be monitoring the chat room during the live broadcast to take in your questions.

TIME: 6:00pm -PST


Picture of the Day

Today's picture of @alchemission is this wonderful picture. But I think all the pictures of Charlie are wonderful :)

Dagens bild av @alchemission är denna underbara bild. Men jag tycker att alla bilder på Charlie är underbara :)

Source: Google

Second photo

If you enjoyed yesterday´s photo, here´s the second one of the same photoshoot by Mike Ruiz (thanks to Colton Haynes, the other guy in the photo, for linking it on Twitter) for YRB Magazine!

I Am with Charlie

With @alchemission
Incredibly well done and wonderful :)

New friends

Click on the picture to get to the page :)


Pre-Eclipse Premiere with Charlie

Så här skriver Twilighters Anonymous:

Vi hade turen att ha Charlies fullspäckade schema öppna att ha en en-på-en prat med TA: s reporter, Kara. Charlie Bewley, som spelar Demetri i "Twilight Saga: Eclipse", har varit upptagen med fotografering i Ukraina för sitt senaste filmprojekt, ecstasy samt att hans rundor runt om i världen främja en film vi alla att förutse, Eclipse. Vi kommer att sända live intervju på vår webbplats med hjälp av TA: s Ustream. Mer spännande nyheter är att vi kommer att öppna Ustream snack att ta in fansens frågor till Charlie. Kara och TA är på plats, personal kommer att övervaka chatrummet under live-sändningen att ta era frågor.

Datum: 23 juni, 2010 Tid: 6:00 pm-PST
Sedan vår senaste intervju med Charlie, vi har mycket mer att ifatt.
Så spara datumet och följ med oss till en exicting kväll, chatta med en Volturi innan ni fångar vår direktsändning av Eclipse röda mattan-premiären! TA'ers: Är du lika upphetsad som vi? Tänk att Charlie Bewley ska sitta ner med oss för en LIVE intervju och chatta bara för att du är troget fans av TA?

We were fortunate enough to have Charlie’s busy schedule open up to have a one-on-one chat with TA’s reporter, Kara. Charlie Bewley, who plays Demetri in ‘the Twilight Saga: Eclipse’, has been busy shooting in the Ukraine for his latest movie project, Soldiers of Fortune as well as making his rounds around the world promoting a movie we’re all anticipating, Eclipse.

We’ll be broadcasting the live interview on our website using TA’s Ustream. More exciting news is that we’ll be opening up Ustream’s chat to take in fan questions to ask Charlie. Kara and TA’s on-site staff will be monitoring the chat room during the live broadcast to take in your questions.

DATE: JUNE 23, 2010
TIME: 6:00pm -PST

Since our last interview with Charlie, we have much more to catch up on. So save the date and join us for an exicting evening chat with a Volturi before catching our live coverage of the Eclipse red carpet premiere!

TA’ers: Are you as excited as we are to have Charlie Bewley sit down with us for a LIVE interviewand chat just for you loyal fans of TA?


Charlie looking sexy!

New picture of @alchemission aka Demetri. Charlie, You looking so sexy on this picture.


Looking good Charlie ;)

I just have to put up this video. Looks really good @alchemission ;)

Source of wonderful CharlieBewleyVK

Charlie Bewley Sweden on Facebook

Yes, now Charlie Bewley Sweden finally on Facebook. Everyone is of course welcome to join the group.

Exclusive CharlieBewleyVK interview

As you all know Charlie @alchemission was in Crimea for his new movie Soldiers of Fortune. Who else should have met him if not one of the members of CharlieBewleyVK ? So enjoy the exclusive interview, thanks to Dana Zhmudskaya

"Dana: Hi Charlie! Welcome to our Sevastopol! What are you doing here?

Charlie: Hello-hello! The point is that I’m playing one of the leading roles in a new film, the shootings of which are passing in Crimea. So that’s why we are staying in Sevastopol.

D: What’s the movie? Tell us!

C: Well…This is a movie about the war. But It’s not the same as all got used to. It won’t be too terrible and cruel … It’s Hollywood! (Laughs)

D: Great, we will wait for it impatiently! And now tell us something about your childhood, and how you got to the cinema?

C: I was born on a farm in central England in an ordinary family. I hadn’t got any neighbors. I liked to go to school. Most of all I enjoyed to attend French lessons. But nevertheless, I was very naughty boy, I loved to fool around Also all my conscious life, I’m fond of sports, especially snowboarding. By the way, exactly snowboard brought me to the profession of an actor …

D: How’s that?

C: I went to practice my snowboarding skills to the ski resort in Vancouver. And there, by a lucky chance, was passing a casting. I decided to try myself. During the casting I was trying to be nice, sweet, to make them notice me! The charm is very important for the public man! And I did it! And when there was the first audition for the role of Demetrii, I immediately got into the role, I was so pleased to be part of the filming bustle, that I understood straight away that I want to work in this sphere and not to sweat all my life in a ski suit!

D: Does it turn out that anyone who wish it can become an actor with a worldwide reputation?

C: No, no. The selection was very strict, but I successfully passed it! I’m in general very lucky! (Laughs) And just my good luck helped me find myself!"

(read it all by clicking HERE)

Borrowed from the lovely Celeste

Charlie Bewley on Horror Con in Sweden

Two clips when Charlie Bewley @alchemission was on Horror Con as he called it in Malmoe on 27-28 March :D I was there to meet wonderful Charlie.

These two clips were shot by my lovely friend Laura and her friend. Charlie, you are wonderful. And no Charlie, you are absolutely right, you're not a monkey haha :D

Many thanks lovingcharliebewley

I do not know what to say. Have tears in my eyes. Yesterday, talking, or rather, so I sent email with @lovingcharliebewley. And so today, said Celeste something so incredibly nice about me as a new family member.

Click here to read the nice post

I really hope we can meet one day. It would have been so nice or what do you say?

Many thanks for your support

I'm so glad I have like that wonderful support of everyone who owns a Charlie Bewley fansite. You are absolutely wonderful. As LovingCharlieB wrote to me: We are like a big family and I'm glad I'm part of it. And that day Charlie Bewley will follow both my twitter and blog will become one of the best days of my life.
Many thanks for your support 

Today's photo of Charlie

Today's picture of Charlie @alchemission is that beautiful picture.

Image source

Charlie will be a guest on the show American Lopze Tonight


Charlie @alchemission will be back June 29 in Los Angeles because he will be a guest on the show American Lopze Tonight. Night show starts at 00:00 the time. To those who live in a corner or who are lucky enough to be in LA on these dates, you can buy tickets directly on their site.

Oh, I'd really like to go there. Someone who will go there?

( Svenska )

Charlie @alchemission kommer att vara tillbaka den 29 juni i Los Angeles eftersom han kommer att vara gäst i showen American Lopze Tonight. Night showen börjar vid 00.00 tiden. Till dem som bor i ett hörn eller som har turen att vara i LA på dessa datum, kan du köpa biljetter direkt på deras webbplats.

Oh jag vill så gärna åka dit. Någon som ska åka dit?


Today's picture of Charlie Bewley

Today's picture of Charlie Bewley @alchemission is this wonderful picture.

Portrait Contest w/ Twilight Star Charlie Bewley and Alex's Lemonade Stand

Charlie Bewley

Coming soon, we'll be having a special celebrity portrait contest! We've partnered with Alex's Lemonade to raise money for childhood cancer awareness. To enter the contest all you have to do is draw a portrait of a fab star of the Twilight Saga, in the role of Demetri, Charlie Bewley working at an Alex's Lemonade Stand. You can use whatever medium you'd like, so get creative!


Charlie has graciously agreed to autograph the portrait, record a breif video message AND send along a personal note to the winner! The winner's portrait and video will be posted on ASCC Now and Alex's Lemonade Stand's websites.


Some pics of Charlie


Two buttons - Twitter and Facebook

Now it has come up two buttons on the side of the menu. One button, go to our twitter page and facebook. But right now we only have twitter and facebook page will start shortly.

CharlieBewleySweden on twitter

CharlieBewleySweden will also be available on twitter but I got it tonight. And the blog's design is far from clear. Have several things to fix but I hope you will like the Swedish fansite

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