A video clip from Twilight fan event in Stockholm
Our host, which we had at Twilight fan event in Stockholm, just added a clip on his facebook and twitter. I checked the clip and laughed my way through it. He was a wonderful host. So now I thought I share with you this clip because you have seen the pictures when I was there.
Twilight fan event i Stockholm
From Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet
I filmed a little movie where you'll have a look how it looked in the Twilight fan event yesterday.
A small video from the Twilight fan event yesterday, a few hours before Kristen and Taylor came on the stage. I am filming and I apologize for being a bit fast haha
Pictures from Twilight fan event yesterday
As you all probably have noticed, I went to a Twilight fan event yesterday to see Kristen and Taylor.
We heard artists perform. We had a fun host who talked, joked and introduced all the artists. We got to see various clips from Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. And you know what? We got to see The Volturi and our lovely Charlie aka Demetri :D
I still can not believe I saw Kristen and Taylor yesterday. Absolutely wonderful :D
Later tonight we put up a video how it looked in the Twilight fan events.
Photos by me and belong to me.
We walked on the red carpet, was photographed, interviewed. MTV was also there. If I do not remember totally wrong as there were over 10,000 fans Twilight.
We heard artists perform. We had a fun host who talked, joked and introduced all the artists. We got to see various clips from Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. And you know what? We got to see The Volturi and our lovely Charlie aka Demetri :D
When it was time for Kristen and Taylor to come out on stage so all the fans were totally crazy. They screamed like never before but it was wonderful to hear :)
I still can not believe I saw Kristen and Taylor yesterday. Absolutely wonderful :D
You saw on my twitter that I held you updated all the time, but unfortunately died so both my computer and my iPhone prior to the Twilight fan event ended. But you got to see some pictures and here comes the rest :D

Later tonight we put up a video how it looked in the Twilight fan events.
Photos by me and belong to me.
Do you have any of the pictures so you may question and then leave me as the source.
Tomorrow I'm going to Stockholm
Yes, tomorrow I finally go to Stockholm to participate in the Twilight fan event with Kristen and Taylor.

Too bad @alchemission will not be there. They are here in Sweden for the Eclipse which has cinema premiere June 30. And now it's really not far to go before we sit in the cinema and watch Eclipse and see our lovely Charlie who plays Demetri.
Jag lovar att hålla er uppdaterade under dagen. Kommer att uppdatera bloggen och Twitter
I promise to keep you updated throughout the day. Will update the blog and Twitter :)
Ja, i morgon går jag äntligen till Stockholm för att delta i Twilight fan event med Kristen och Taylor. Synd att @alchemission inte kommer att vara där. De är här i Sverige för Eclipse som har bio premiär den 30 juni. Och nu är det verkligen inte långt kvar innan vi sitter i biosalongen och titta på Eclipse och se våra vackra Charlie som spelar Demetri.
Ja, i morgon går jag äntligen till Stockholm för att delta i Twilight fan event med Kristen och Taylor. Synd att @alchemission inte kommer att vara där. De är här i Sverige för Eclipse som har bio premiär den 30 juni. Och nu är det verkligen inte långt kvar innan vi sitter i biosalongen och titta på Eclipse och se våra vackra Charlie som spelar Demetri.
Jag lovar att hålla er uppdaterade under dagen. Kommer att uppdatera bloggen och Twitter