Now I'm on chat

Yes, now I'm online chat. Will be online in a few hours so just getting there when you feel like it :D

Chat tomorrow?

Thought to have a little chat tomorrow evening. Someone who wants to keep me company on my blog? Had been so much fun of "our" big family could participate in the chat. So what do you say @LovingCharlie @LOvLeyChArLiE_B  @CharlieBewleyVK and of course you all?

  • You need not be regristrerad in order to chat, but just enter your desired name and leave the password field blank, then you only need to log in! =) The chat is open around the clock, so you can log in anytime.

  • Du behöver inte vara regristrerad för att kunna chatta, utan skriv bara in ditt önskade namn och lämna lösenords-fältet tomt, sedan är det bara att logga in! =) Chatten är öppen dygnet runt, så ni kan logga in när som helst.

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