Pre-Eclipse Premiere with Charlie

Så här skriver Twilighters Anonymous:
Vi hade turen att ha Charlies fullspäckade schema öppna att ha en en-på-en prat med TA: s reporter, Kara. Charlie Bewley, som spelar Demetri i "Twilight Saga: Eclipse", har varit upptagen med fotografering i Ukraina för sitt senaste filmprojekt, ecstasy samt att hans rundor runt om i världen främja en film vi alla att förutse, Eclipse. Vi kommer att sända live intervju på vår webbplats med hjälp av TA: s Ustream. Mer spännande nyheter är att vi kommer att öppna Ustream snack att ta in fansens frågor till Charlie. Kara och TA är på plats, personal kommer att övervaka chatrummet under live-sändningen att ta era frågor.
We were fortunate enough to have Charlie’s busy schedule open up to have a one-on-one chat with TA’s reporter, Kara. Charlie Bewley, who plays Demetri in ‘the Twilight Saga: Eclipse’, has been busy shooting in the Ukraine for his latest movie project, Soldiers of Fortune as well as making his rounds around the world promoting a movie we’re all anticipating, Eclipse.
We’ll be broadcasting the live interview on our website using TA’s Ustream. More exciting news is that we’ll be opening up Ustream’s chat to take in fan questions to ask Charlie. Kara and TA’s on-site staff will be monitoring the chat room during the live broadcast to take in your questions.
DATE: JUNE 23, 2010
TIME: 6:00pm -PST
Since our last interview with Charlie, we have much more to catch up on. So save the date and join us for an exicting evening chat with a Volturi before catching our live coverage of the Eclipse red carpet premiere!
TA’ers: Are you as excited as we are to have Charlie Bewley sit down with us for a LIVE interviewand chat just for you loyal fans of TA?