Exclusive CharlieBewleyVK interview

As you all know Charlie @alchemission was in Crimea for his new movie Soldiers of Fortune. Who else should have met him if not one of the members of CharlieBewleyVK ? So enjoy the exclusive interview, thanks to Dana Zhmudskaya
"Dana: Hi Charlie! Welcome to our Sevastopol! What are you doing here?
Charlie: Hello-hello! The point is that I’m playing one of the leading roles in a new film, the shootings of which are passing in Crimea. So that’s why we are staying in Sevastopol.
D: What’s the movie? Tell us!
C: Well…This is a movie about the war. But It’s not the same as all got used to. It won’t be too terrible and cruel … It’s Hollywood! (Laughs)
D: Great, we will wait for it impatiently! And now tell us something about your childhood, and how you got to the cinema?
C: I was born on a farm in central England in an ordinary family. I hadn’t got any neighbors. I liked to go to school. Most of all I enjoyed to attend French lessons. But nevertheless, I was very naughty boy, I loved to fool around Also all my conscious life, I’m fond of sports, especially snowboarding. By the way, exactly snowboard brought me to the profession of an actor …
D: How’s that?
C: I went to practice my snowboarding skills to the ski resort in Vancouver. And there, by a lucky chance, was passing a casting. I decided to try myself. During the casting I was trying to be nice, sweet, to make them notice me! The charm is very important for the public man! And I did it! And when there was the first audition for the role of Demetrii, I immediately got into the role, I was so pleased to be part of the filming bustle, that I understood straight away that I want to work in this sphere and not to sweat all my life in a ski suit!
D: Does it turn out that anyone who wish it can become an actor with a worldwide reputation?
C: No, no. The selection was very strict, but I successfully passed it! I’m in general very lucky! (Laughs) And just my good luck helped me find myself!"
(read it all by clicking HERE)
Borrowed from the lovely Celeste