I apologize that I have not updated the blog so much but I have had so much to do and enjoyed the wonderful weather we have had. But I promise I will update more later today :)
Gud välsigne Twitter! I denna sista perioden så har Charlie särskilt gillat att dela bilder på sociala nätverk, det är därför vi kan visa dig (även om jag är säker på att du sett det redan!) Honom tillsammans med Daniel Cudmore och Alex Meraz på Red Sox spelet! Jag är säker på att de hade det mycket roligt där! THX Charlie :*
Vi vet inte så mycket om Charlie privatliv och vad som hände innan hela Twilight sak. Nu tack vare denna fina och mycket intresserad intervju med Pique News Magazine, har vi äntligen chansen att få reda på något mer, framför allt om hans tidigare jobb!
"Twilight kommer till stan Charlie Bewley, skådespelare från populära filmerna, hans Whistler rötter av Holly Fraughton Charlie Bewley har avkastningen kommit långt sedan hans dagar skura krukor, förarhytten och säljer sneakers i Whistler. Idag ski-bum -vände-skådespelare har en återkommande roll i en stor film-serien, Twilight. Kanske har du hört talas om det?
Bewley spelar Demetri, en av Volturi klanen i kultklassiker, som stjärnorna Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart och Dakota Fanning, bland många andra. "Jag tycker att min karaktär är den mest fysiskt eliten vampyr går, eftersom Volturi är huvudsakligen befälhavarna på de undre, och jag brukade vara huvudet vakt, och jag är bara inte som chef vakten eftersom Dakota Fanning karaktär har dessa psykologiska befogenheter som gör att du tror du är i massiva mängder av smärta, "Bewley funderade.
Bewley spelar Demetri, en av Volturi klanen i kultklassiker, som stjärnorna Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart och Dakota Fanning, bland många andra. "Det är ett slags fusk makt - mina krafter är mer som jag spår och jag jaga och jag är extremt stark. Därför jag får spela denna vampyr som vet att han är den bästa vampyren i världen, och ja, han är en dålig kille, i huvudsak, men han är inte riktigt gör något dåligt själv, han bara gör sitt jobb . "Men långt före hans dagar på den stora skärmen, S-skådespelare var denna fragmentering Whistler och Blackcomb och utforska lokala mountainbike stigar. förra veckan återvände han till Whistler för att sola och återuppleva sina dagar som en hemvist, snowboard och mountainbike. På tisdag morgon var han fortfarande i BC, men var redo att återvända till LA för att komma tillbaka till arbetet på ett annat filmprojekt.
"Ärligt talat, minnena kom alla översvämningarna tillbaka. Det var riktigt trevligt." Besöket var nästan nog för att göra honom vill överge sin blomstrande skådespelarkarriär och återgå till Whistler. "Det är så frestande. Ni har fått ett liv där, det egentligen är. Jag är mycket, mycket avundsjuk på alla där. "Bewley gjorde sin första Whistler säsong under 2000-2001." Det var bara en otrolig upplevelse. Jag var mycket ung vid den tiden och I. .. började på något chalet i Blueberry, och när jag fick mitt visum, började jag jobba på Ulli's (nu 21 steg), jag var som en kruka tvätt där och sedan jag flyttade till Footlocker under våren och sommaren, säger han tillbaka. Sen träffade han en engelsk flicka som arbetar ... "(klicka HÄR för att läsa allt)
Översättning av mig, kanske något fel men det rättar jag senare :)
The VRO [@TheVRO] interview with Charlie [@alchemission]
Upcoming Show: 2010-07-31 03:00: Twilight Saga: Charlie Bewley is returning to The VRO for us 3nd interview! Charlie will be talking about his role as Demetri in the Twilight Saga, along with is upcoming movies Soldiers of Fortune and Ecstasy both in post-production.
ASCC Portrait Contest with Charlie ( @alchemission )
A while ago, I told you about an upcoming contest involving ASCC Now (Artists Supporting a Cure for Cancer Now) and Alex Lemonade Stand. Finally we know what it is about and let me say it, it's just so nice!!!
"We've partnered with Alex's Lemonade to raise money for childhood cancer awareness. To enter the contest all you have to do is draw a portrait of fab star of the Twilight Saga, in the role of Demetri, Charlie Bewley working at an Alex's Lemonade Stand. You can use whatever medium you'd like, so get creative!
The entries will be judged by members of ASCC Now and narrowed down to 10 finalists and then sent to Charlie for his input! He has graciously agreed to autograph the portrait, record a brief video message AND send along a personal note to the winner! The winner's portrait and video will be posted on ASCC Now and Alex's Lemonade Stand's websites."
To know more about it, please visit ASCC Now official website not only for the contest, let's not forget that what they do is so important and everyone should help somehow!
Movies.ie interview with Charlie ( @alchemission )
The Irish website Movies.ie published an interview with Charlie (thanks to CharlieBewley.co.uk for sharing). Most of the questions are about the Saga, but there´s of course more....like this:
"What do you hope you will remember from the whole experience in five years time?
CB: I think Twilight will have a huge legacy, I don't anticipate, after Breaking Dawn, the wave finishing there. I am sure there will be spin offs and maybe more books being written. Maybe in ten or fifteen years I will look back at it with huge fondness that it was the huge springboard that I took into my career that hopefully, takes me the places that I want to be. I'm so glad to be a part of this thing, I am so humbled. It's created financial freedom for me, which has allowed me to pursue my creative dreams without limitation. I will always be thankful to Twilight as a series in my life because of that. As for the character that I play, I really hope I can take things from him and take it into other characters. Demetri is a character that I am massively enamoured by. It's a shame, he is a much deeper character than some of the other characters out there in the mainstream of Twilight. I hope I can take that forward and hopefully take it into other characters I play."
Inga färska nyheter om @alchemission idag, men lyckligtvis tack vare vår affiliate CharlieBewleyGermany är här för dig en ny bild på vår hjälte med Xavier i New York, denna gång inne i studion i Today Show
This morning (European time) Charlie surprised all his fans announcing a Q&A on Twitter. Lucky the ones who were online, for the people who weren't here's the transcript of it, enjoy :D
1st rule of Q&A: Do not get pissy if your question is not answered
2nd rule of Q&A: DO NOT get pissy if your question is not answered
3rd rule: Questions are answered completely at random, with particular prejudice towards questions provoking a ridiculous answer
4th rule: Answers will be short. Very.
5th rule: I'm not a piece of meat
6th rule: No repetition. No reTweets
7th rule: Q&A will go on as long as it has to
and the 8th and most important rule: If this is your first Q&A.....
- hashorey @alchemission Is Demetri gay? A: no. he takes pleasure in embracing the full range of masculinity - youarehere0729 @alchemission whats something you're able to do now that you weren't before? A: be listened to - frout @alchemission , what is your dream car ? A: I'm in the market for a BMW M3 - ItsAshley19 @alchemission How long have you played rugby? A: 17 years... it was a war out there. i love being a warrior - hashorey @alchemission At this moment who is your favorite person in the world? A: my ex-girlfriend is really taking life by the nuts atm - YurGangz @alchemission You are just Brilliant! Was watchingyou on Punk'd Lol did you enjoy getting angry at that guy? A: uhhhhh? - maverel1981 @alchemission do you like winter: snow, cold, snowball fights etc. ? A: The journey will end in the mountains - TiitCullen @alchemission in five year, what do you think that you will be doing ? a: flying - miamievelyn @alchemission what kind of mascot would the Volturi have if they played baseball against the Cullens? a: a ghost - deaniewink @alchemission Worst fake rumour you've heard about yourself? A: linked with MF - jck80_99 @alchemission. Do u want kids? a: yes, many - from all corners. but thoroughbreds, probably :) - Ella_Jacobs @alchemission How do u feel that there is many Fan fiction stories written about your character? A: testiment to his mystery - Natalee_x @alchemission most celebs say that they WOULD date a fan... would YOU date a fan? a: To rule anyone out is illogical - firaarfiani @alchemission what do you think about Janetri (Jane-Demetri) ? A: we would reign for a loooong looong time. - AlanaHoad @alchemission who is the coolest person you have ever meet? A: my mum is f. cool. - AlyHargrove @alchemission favorite popcorn from the tri-tins? a: Smores.www.popcornpapa.com - ReeDawes @alchemission are you disappointed about the world cup? A: only if it's half-empty. - izontheside @alchemission On a scale of 1-6, with 5 being a 2, how confusing am I?? A: I think zero, because I half getcha. - xCarlyPattinson @alchemission who's your inspiration? A: Myself - marissaIRL @alchemission what's most played on your ipod lately? a:www.trancearoundtheworld.com episode 325 - priscila_0394 @alchemission if you could go to the past, what would you change? a: Nothing. I am grateful for all the mistakes i made. - HumbleDB @alchemission would you come to Denmark, November for convention or for Breaking Dawn next year?? Make it happen Copenhagen. - hashorey @alchemission Do you like cats? a: ya, big ones. - AnnaBalyan @alchemission in ur opinion, what does it mean to Love someone? a: ask einstein and his theory. - x__Chonnie @alchemission what type of animal would you be if you could choose out of all of them and why? a: bald eagle. - emsyki @alchemission if you had a pet platypus, what would you name it? a: Jeff Jefferson. - Bushbabu @alchemission if you could do a film with any actor who would it be? A: Me vs. Shia LeBeouf - CristinaMariex3 @alchemission best gift from a fan you've ever received? A: A marzipan rabbit. - icycamposano @alchemission If you would to be one of the MOST POWERFUL ICON in the world, who would you be?? A: Myself - LyricalKris @alchemission What does the name alchemission come from? A: ask @PauloCoelho - Jen_E_Trevino @alchemission Who is funnier Chris White or David Slade? A: Brian Regan. - jennaatanasoff @alchemission What's your favorite breed of dog? N u ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "The KEYS, not the CHEESE, Milo" :) - chrystalplayer cool kid or the nerdy kid? A: Neither, I was the erratic one. Zero Faith in me, no-one had. - Raransom @alchemission the last movie you watched? don't say eclipse. A: 44 inch chest. - hopehultgren @alchemission Most attractive quality in a woman? A: the opposite of self-conscience. - yvonnerawrr @alchemission Favorite trait about yourself? A: shamelessness. - swayswaynaynay @alchemission best achievement in life? A: breaking free from what society told me to do. - Tyler_Cull3n @alchemission do u want there to be a Bree movie? a: not read it yes, but in theory, yes. - pancyfants @alchemission are you a ninja? No, i'm elegantly clumsy - Kstewclub @alchemission Russian fans very much love you. You will arrive still?)) A: I told you you're my brand of vodka. make it happen :) - AnnaBalyan @alchemission I just turned 22 and I'm engaged to be married next year, do you think im crazy? lol A: ask einstein - smileyky88 @alchemission what drives you to run marathons? A: The thought that I might not be able to do it. - brookeforbes15 @alchemission who is your fav band? (mines Green Day) A: Ash - buzzybnz @alchemission Team jacob or team edward? A: TD - Georgina1_xx @alchemission whats the best dream you had? A: dream i could fly - varietydelights @alchemission 15 minutes early or 15 minutes late? A: split the difference - Lubiie @alchemission why are you crossing your legs on Eclipse when you meet the Cullens? A: why not? - Nicky0972 @alchemission Is there any animal u don't like or scares u? A: foxes messed me up as a kid - linzkittie @alchemission do you like sex? A: does the Pope piss in the woods? - SpringTxTwiMom @alchemission What's your ideal evening w/ a lady? A: unchartered territory - A_Bitten_Diva @alchemission Last thing that made you cry? A:www.trancearoundtheworld.com episode 274 about an hour in. - DanyelleeeeeM @alchemission You have your own spaceship, which planet do you go to? A: planet Marzipan with a big shovel. - tokyo_to @alchemission est-ce que vous comprenez la langue francaise? A: si - StewLovee @alchemission if you could go to one place in the world where would it be??????? A: Tokyo first. - CharliesFan @alchemission have you ever worn the Maori Bone Carving I sent you from NZ? A: I wear all your gifts, transiently. - auliafina @alchemission if you could choose Demetri's mate, who you would want? A: i don't feel Demetri fancies ball n' chain. - .... but a passionate romance without the neediness??? Gooooooood question. - swayswaynaynay @alchemission best thing about acting? a: i get to entertain my amateur-schitzophrenia - CharlieBewleyVK you seem perfect, perfection is impossible, what's wrong with you? A: Life is limitless. I love that thought. It shows - SydneyTwiMum @alchemission Ovaltine or Horlicks? A: Chinese drink this amazing Marzipan hot drink - head to Chinatown - keykey1012 @alchemission If I ask you to spend a whole day with me, would you do it? A: what would you teach me? - SydneyTwiMum @alchemission Dora the Explorer or Diego the Animal Rescuer? A: we're talking prevention vs Cure here. The former plz. - priscila_0394 @alchemission of you could lock someone in a room with you, who would be? A: Sarah Palin maybe. - jck80_99 @alchemission do ever take a bath over a shower? A: Plenty of time to lie down in a box when you're dead. - whatshallicall @alchemission have you read the mortal instruments series? A: not yet :) - DanyelleeeeeM @alchemission Limtless amount of....? A: possibility - KarenSandilands @alchemission does a spoon full of sugar really help the medicine go down? A: the white death - melburgess @alchemission have you ever laughed so hard milk actually came out your nose? A: Milk comes from nipples darling. - erica_lopeezy @alchemission have you ever bought something from a late night infomercial? A: INSANITY (p90x's little sister) - SnarkyDee @alchemission giver or a taker? Creator/Consumer in equal measure - Illyria30stm @alchemission relax for you is..... A: Love, maybe - but I'll need to think about that - ItsJodii @alchemission Who would win in a fight, Demetri or Emmett Cullen? A: What tastes better:Marzipan B&J or Dog S*** ? - mividarawr95 @alchemission death is? A: an unknown adventure. - @tarsha8nz gracielaferler @alchemission a song you can't stop listening to ? A: The Lambada
Last week I ordered pin set with Charlie aka Demetri is on. And yesterday I got home package. So incredibly happy. It's the first thing with Demetri on at least here in Sweden.
@alchemission talks about Eclipse and BD with NYpost.com
very nice interview Charlie did for the NYPost (wow!!). He talks above all about Eclipse, BD, the Volturi and the possibility that the last 2 parts of the Saga will be in 3D. I loved the anecdote about the hair and his definition of the Volturi throughout the movies ("We’ve been introduced in "New Moon," we’ve overseen "Eclipse," now is the time we’ll kick some ass"). A big thank to you CharlieBewleyVK for sharing it.
"Although they have mostly lingered in the background for two films, I am transfixed by The Volturi. Jane, Aro, Demitri -- all of them. Thankfully they take center stage in "The Twilight Saga´s" final two chapters, "Breaking Dawn" parts one and two.
But we still have 18 months until cresting sunrise, so let's focus instead on "Eclipse" -- which is devouring the box office right now. I chatted with Charlie Bewley, who plays Volturi tracker Demetri about joining the franchise, crafting that eye-gouging hairdo and his hopes for a 3D finale.
PopWrap: Congrats on the opening week box office -- $161 million is impressive.
Charlie Bewley: I really did not see that coming, it’s great. To think, thanks to this small independent movie we've gotten to embrace the whole world – well, invade might be the best word.
PW: It's a pretty massive way to enter Hollywood.
Charlie: Yes, I started acting fairly late, but it’s never something I felt I had to learn how to do, I always knew how to act, it was just a matter of putting it into professional practice. I had to learn the process, but embodying characters is nothing new. I’ve done that my entire life.
PW: So you're revealing yourself to be a grifter then?
Charlie: [laughs] Well, throughout the world really. I’ve scammed so many people throughout my whole life who never learned my true identity until I started acting. But I have to say that the great thing about acting is..." (click HERE to read it all)
Help, if you can.... A little girl Anna needs support
@alchemission sent a link on his twitter about this little girl who needs our support.
It's name is Anna and she is so pretty, with his mischievous smile and her eyes, that one wants to hug him tightly in his arms.Like all little girls her age she would normally play with his toys, watch a cartoon television show or his enthusiasm for the idea of taking the road from the beach.This small Bastia should have also a few days ago, blowing the candles of her birthday cake and unwrap all his presents with the family, a family honorably known in the region of Bastia.But the reality is sadly very different.Anna is currently in ICU at the hospital La Timone in Marseille.
For nearly three months, she still breathes through a machine that takes the place of artificial heart.His young parents, Maryline and Jean-Baptiste, do not leave the eyes, chest constantly oppressed by a nagging anxiety.The fear of a fearful expectation: that a heart transplant.The anguish of a haunting question: when the graft will she finally take place?Their torment is all the greater as each day that passes reduces the chances of survival of Anna.
Precisely because of time pressure and a race against time has begun, they want today, viaCorsica Morning, raising public awareness about their plight and, through him on the vital importance of organ donation.It is only thanks to his selfless and generous as their little love can finally leave the waiting list as soon as possible to reach the operating table
A rare
Anna suffers from a rare condition, there would be very few cases in the world, restrictive cardiomyopathy, a heart muscle disease.
The first symptoms at the age of 17 months, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, feeling of exhaustion.The worst episode comes March 25 when the last victim of a stroke that paralyzed the heart right side of his body.She was immediately taken up at Bastia, then transferred to hospital bow Nice where she underwent numerous tests.And it's an ultrasound of the liver that can detect the disease and decide on its admission to La Timone.
Imagine the distress of parents when they learn the gravity of the situation and that only a heart transplant can save the life of their daughter.In this feverish expectation but also full of hope, they want to thank those who have expressed their support * in the test if they are going through difficult.They remain, of course, very well looked after and if it is very hard to consider it morally, they also know that it is the gift, a gesture of great fortitude, heart of another young child, somewhere, who will save Anna.
* It is possible to pass messages of support to the email address of a relative: chloe.bartolini @ wanadoo.fr
It's just so nice Charlie's name and photo is almost in every magazine and site by now! Above all if we're talking about People.com website... there are some curiousities, nothing really new but it's worth reading anyway.
"Before making his major motion picture debut as the Volturi clan's mysterious vampire Demetri inNew Moon, British-born Charlie Bewley was studying acting in Vancouver and spending his free time pursuing his love of sports and adventure.
Now hat he's starring in the box-office hit The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, here are five things you should know about one of Hollywood's hottest newcomers:
1. He Doesn't Get Pattinson's Appeal
Admitting that he was not a fan of Twilight before joining the cast, Bewley, 29, says that he also didn't "understand" everyone's attraction to Robert Pattinson. "I had my acting teacher and all the girls around me just swooning..." (click HERE to read it all)
Charlie was in New York with his colleague and castmate Xavier Samuel (and with the !famous! Justin Bieber..) to attend the Today Show. Many fans waited outside of the studio to meet him, so that we can enjoy some nice photos :)
Vi visste från Eclipse officiella hemsidan att vissa medlemmar av Twilight cast skulle delta i visningen av filmen i teatrar runt om i USA. Namnen på städer tillkännagavs, men inte dom av aktörerna. Tja, Charlie tweeted ganska mycket om Minneapolis, orsaken det är där han skulle gå! Här är filmerna, njut! (Vilken tur fansen har!!) Kan ni inte komma till Sverige också?
Eclipse has been released (and let me say it: AMAZING!!) and from what I can see and readTeam Volturi is always bigger (I had no doubt it would have happened!). As you all know, for many Italian fans (and not only) the passion for the "royal family" has started more than 1 year ago in the by now famous (above all thanks to Charlie and all the times he spoke of it) town of Montepulciano. Now everyone of you, from all over the world, thanks to DEi iTALY has the chance to win a holiday there and stay in the same hotel used by the cast (Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene, Daniel Cudmore and of course Charlie Bewley) as green room/make-up room! What do you have to do? Just be creative!! Read the rules below, the deadline is on July the 18th!! (let me say it, Charlie should just take part to this contest too, no one can write about Demetri better than him!). For the winner: see you there ;) Good luck to all the participants!!
"ECLIPSE VOLTURI CONTEST: Win a holiday in Montepulciano, Tuscany and sleep in the room Kristen Stewart & Rob Pattinson spent their time when shooting NEW MOON
DEi iTALY Divine Tours, tourdesigner in Rome & Tuscany, in cooperation withSTRADA DEL VINO NOBILE DI MONTEPULCIANO, the tourist board of Montepulciano, and HOTEL ALBERGO DUOMO in Montepulciano, is offering one lucky winner a holiday in Tuscany/Italy for 2 persons. Spend six wonderful days with your best friend or any other person in the room Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson spent their time when shooting NEW MOON inMontepulciano, Tuscany.
How to win: Show your passion for Bella and Edward and write down how you think the VOLTURI might threat their lifes in future.
Write a DIN A4 or letter size long chapter (350 to 400 words)about the VOLTURI. Think of all aspects Stephenie Meyer has not yet written about. You may write your story from Bella’s point of view – as Stephenie Meyer did in most of her novels – or choose any other point of view or style you find appropriate for your story and send it to [email protected].
Members of the FOREIGN PRESS ASSOCIATION in Rome will select the winner!
Grand Prize includes:
- 5 nights in doubleroom in Hotel Albergo Duomo in Montepulciani, breakfast included
- one free NEW MOON MOVIE TOUR for 2 in Montepulciano including gadget and map
-one free VOLTURI AUDIO TOUR for 2 in Volterra including brandnew MP3 Player
And their is more: 13 other fabulous prizes like free VOLTURI AUDIO TOURS, NEWMOONTEPULCIANO Shirts and Phone Socks are waiting for you!
DEi iTALYs NEW MOON MOVIE TOUR in Montepulciano is already a hit in Italy and on June 30, 2010, we are releasing our newly designed VOLTURI AUDIO TOUR: Learn everything about the VOLTURI and their life in Italy by listening to this very special AUDIO Tour at home or during your stay in Volterra or Montepulciano.
You can update your VOLTURI AUDIO TOUR with VIP Elements like a spicy drive to Volterra in a yellow Porsche and much more. For more information and listening to one chapter of the VOLTURI AUDIO TOUR click