Run for your life - Click here to donate now
Charlie Bewley of Twilight Runs For Your Life
City Lights caught up with Twilight Star Charlie Bewley [ @alchemission ] during his training for the BMO Marathon and chatted about his fund-raising for his friend Jocelyn Clarke who passed away last year from a rare form of lung cancer.
Run for your life
Sponsor Charlie Bewley’s Ultramarathon Run on May 1st and support The Lions Gate Hospital Foundation for your chance to win a private screening for you and 20 of your friends to The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part One, the day before general release in theaters.
Here are my pictures that I have done for Charlie. Hope you all like them :)

Here are my pictures that I have done for Charlie. Hope you all like them :)

CharlieBewleySweden on Bloglovin
Do not forget that you also can follow the blog CharlieBewleySweden on Bloglovin. Just click on the blue or the white icon, you are just one click away from following the blog and not miss any new updates :)
Happy Valentines Day everybody ♥
I wish you Charlie [ @alchemission ] and all my readers, followers on twitter a wonderful Valentine's Day today ♥ Do not forget to hug someone you love today :) ♥
New images for Charlie [ @alchemission ]
No one can have missed the new images of Charlie? I love them! Completely gorgeous pictures that Rob Daly has taken.

TWILIGHT BEAUTY - at last in Sweden! are the only online store in the Nordic countries that have had the privilege of selling the wonderful makeup from Twilight Beauty. Twilight Beauty presents three collections of my makeup, Volturi, Luna and Nox. The products are inspired by the popular Twilight books / movies. The makeup of the Twilight Beauty comes in nice packaging with designs from the environment in the books / movies är den enda nätbutiken i Norden som har fått förmånen att sälja det underbara sminket från Twilight Beauty. Twilight Beauty presenterar tre kollektioner med smink; Volturi, Luna och Nox. Produkterna är inspirerade av de populära Twilight böckerna/filmerna. Sminket från Twilight Beauty kommer i snygga förpackningar med motiv från miljön i böckerna/filmerna. är den enda nätbutiken i Norden som har fått förmånen att sälja det underbara sminket från Twilight Beauty. Twilight Beauty presenterar tre kollektioner med smink; Volturi, Luna och Nox. Produkterna är inspirerade av de populära Twilight böckerna/filmerna. Sminket från Twilight Beauty kommer i snygga förpackningar med motiv från miljön i böckerna/filmerna.
From Charlie [ @alchemission ] to all of his fans
I must say this. Charlie is an ordinary person like us all. He has his good and bad days just like us. Just because he is famous does not mean that he is not like us for it is he. Charlie also has a life. Do not forget that Charlie is an ordinary person like us all. Take care Charlie.
Much Love,
Many thanks to CharlieBewleyFP for posting this letter written by Charlie to them for all his fans and fansites.
It has struck me that my productivity has been lacking, and if this was the case, there would be little for my fan base to be excited about. Therefore, I committed to keeping my distance from my usual waist deep approach to my fans, instead concentrating on my creativity as a means of bringing myself to you all. Believe me when I say that this year is going to get very weird for me should my plans be exacted to my intent.
For some reason there have been a massive amount of tweets flooding thru my account and coupled with my not being so present in Twitterverse, I am aware that much has been lost in all the mail.
Because I am so hands-on with fans, any downtimes I may take will always seem like there is an issue, when all it is is me being my introverted self; sometimes, I just like to not talk, to be with myself and shut out the world. If you knew my situation, then you would understand better, but it´s all a defense mechanism.
Much Love,
Happy Birthday our beloved Charlie
Time flies and our beloved @alchemission turns 30. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a healthy year. You mean very much to us Charlie.

Congratulations on your 30 th birthday today Charlie wishes CharlieBewleySweden ( Linda )

Congratulations on your 30 th birthday today Charlie wishes CharlieBewleySweden ( Linda )
Allow me to welcome CharlieBewleydk
@alchemission and all the other Charlie Bewley fans, now there's another wonderful Charlie Bewley fan page on twitter. Allow me to welcome @CharlieBewleydk :)

CharlieBewleySweden wish you all a Happy New Year
I want to wish you @alchemission, my wonderful friends and all the wonderful followers and readers a Happy New Year :)

2011 will be a wonderful year. Here in the blog, it will come up a contest where you can all join in. I will go and see Charlie and all my wonderful new friends :) Now I wish you all a Happy New Year. You all mean very much to me.

2011 will be a wonderful year. Here in the blog, it will come up a contest where you can all join in. I will go and see Charlie and all my wonderful new friends :) Now I wish you all a Happy New Year. You all mean very much to me.
CharlieBewleySweden wish you all a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you @alchemission, my wonderful friends that I've got to know through twitter and all the wonderful followers and readers a very Merry Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve with very good food and many wonderful Christmas gift :D

Have a little surprise for you all Charlie Bewley fans
About a week or so there will be a contest here on the blog. You will get the chance to win @alchemission's autograph which I will get sent home shortly and I have Charlie to thank for. Without him I could not have had this contest. So thank you Charlie for being so wonderful and makes the opportunity for me to have this contest :D . So keep an eye for this wonderful contest :)
Om någon vecka så kommer det komma upp en tävling här på bloggen.
Ni kommer få chansen att vinna Charlies autograf som jag kommer få hemskickad inom kort och det har jag Charlie att tacka för. Utan honom hade jag inte kunnat hålla i denna tävlingen. Så tusen tack Charlie för att du är så underbar och gör möjlighet för mig att ha denna tävlingen :D . Så håll ut kick efter denna helt underbara tävlingen :)
Charlie at LSU game

Charlie tweeted this picture when he was at LSU game.
@alchemission at Hogwarts
Charlie tweeted these two wonderful pictures. Charlie wanted us to guess where he was. Maybe not so difficult :)

Vote for Charlie as your fave European Hunkie 2010

Borrowed of wonderful Celeste
Sorry for the bad update
Sorry for the bad update on the blog. Had much to do and had problems with my internet but now it work normally again, I hope!
About 1-2 hours, I will sit down and update the blog with a lot of pictures of our lovely Charlie
See you soon my lovely readers =)
About 1-2 hours, I will sit down and update the blog with a lot of pictures of our lovely Charlie
See you soon my lovely readers =)
Charlie ( @alchemission ) in Mexico
There is so much now about our lovely Charlie. Already last Saturday so Attended Charlie to a Mexican show, called "Ventaneando"
Already on Saturday he attended one Mexican show called "Ventaneando". Thanks to the TV host Jimena Perez and to the official Twitter of the show (the episode with Charlie will be shown next week, so let's hope for a video!), after a while there were already some photos around, here they are (source):

There was also another interview on Sunday that you can listen to by clicking HERE
Alex and Charlie were the guests for the Hallowfest, so the interviews and the photos of the 31st October are of them two together. Thanks to CharlieBewleyGermanPage for linking the interviews!! The first (translated) is on TheAlexMerazEffect, the second on GossipDance (click here for the original one of "La cronica de Hoy", who took the picture under)
The big events were the night party. Charlie and Alex looks absolutely gorgeous out.. Many thanks to Renata_Vulturi who share these wonderful pictures with us
Already on Saturday he attended one Mexican show called "Ventaneando". Thanks to the TV host Jimena Perez and to the official Twitter of the show (the episode with Charlie will be shown next week, so let's hope for a video!), after a while there were already some photos around, here they are (source):

Enjoy this funny video from two different sides:
There was also another interview on Sunday that you can listen to by clicking HERE
Alex and Charlie were the guests for the Hallowfest, so the interviews and the photos of the 31st October are of them two together. Thanks to CharlieBewleyGermanPage for linking the interviews!! The first (translated) is on TheAlexMerazEffect, the second on GossipDance (click here for the original one of "La cronica de Hoy", who took the picture under)

The big events were the night party. Charlie and Alex looks absolutely gorgeous out.. Many thanks to Renata_Vulturi who share these wonderful pictures with us

Charlie one of the 31 sexiest vampires for Glamour

According to the magazine Glamour, our Charlie is one of the 31 sexiest vampires ever (in movies and series). Mr Bewley is at #27, here's the motivation:
27. Twilight’s Demetri
Played by: Charlie Bewley
Newcomer Charlie made his film debut in New Moon as the very scary Demetri – but we’re looking forward to seeing a lot more of him as the saga continues. Those eyes, that voice…
Click HERE to see the rest of the chart (even if it's not hard to guess who's first...)
My greeting from @alchemission

It says: Linda I miss you... Can't wait to come back to see you soon. Lots love -Charlie Bewley
Charlie, you have no idea how happy I am that I have received this from you. So sorry I missed the whole RingCon but I was home and was sick. But I hope to see you soon. It will soon be 1 year ago that we met in Malmo. Please come here soon so we can meet, have coffee and talk. I miss you too!