MTV Movie Awards 2011
Under galan kommer Kristen, Robert och Taylor att presentera den första trailern till Breaking Dawn del 1!
Galan kommer precis som tidigare år att direktsändas på svensk TV (MTV).
During the gala will Kristen, Robert and Taylor to present the first trailer for BreakingDawn Part 1!
Gala will be as in past years to be broadcast live on Swedish television (MTV).
Gala will be as in past years to be broadcast live on Swedish television (MTV).
Updated at 00:57 Swedish time: Nu är det inte länge kvar tills det är dags för Red carpet live som börjar klockan 01.30 - 03.00/Now it's not long to go before it's time for Red Carpet live beginning at 1:30 a.m. to 03:00
Updated at 01:35 Swedish time: Nu är det dags för Red carpet live!
Updated at 01:48 Swedish time:
Liz Reaser

Updated at 02:19 Swedish time: 'Breaking Dawn' Wedding Invitation:

And Nikki and Jackson
Updated at 02:19 Swedish time: 'Breaking Dawn' Wedding Invitation:
Updated at 02:28 Swedish time: Taylor Lautner has arrived on the red carpet.
Updated at 02:40 Swedish time: Robert Pattinson has skipped the red carpet. Has been reported to be backstage. Source
Updated at 02:45 Swedish time: Kristen Stewart has arrived on the red carpet.
Updated at 02:45 Swedish time: Nikki Reed Engaged - Source
- Kl 03.13; Robert Pattinson vann just ”Best Male Performance”
- Kl 03.41; Kristens outfit på året MTV Movie Awards:
- At 03:45 (Swedish time ) , Robert, Bryce, and Xavier just won "Best Fight"
- At 03:58, Kristen and Robert just won "Best Kiss". Instead of kissing each other, it wasTaylor Lautner who received a kiss from Robert, haha.
- At 04:15, Robert was recently on the stage to present an award to Reese Witherspoon.
- At 04:32, Kristen Stewart just won "Best Female Performance"
- At 04:46, Kristen, Robert & Taylor presented the first trailer for Breaking Dawn Part 1!
- At 04:57, finally, The Twilight Saga: The Eclipse wins "Best Movie"
Så alla svenska fans och även övirga twilight fans, vad tyckte ni om årets MTV Movie Awards 2011?
Helt underbar enligt mig :)