@alchemission and Daniel Cudmore on the Wake Up Show.
Okay now it's like this
Okay now it's like this that I can not find the pictures from when I was, and met Charlie in Malmo but I may look for them tomorrow. I get up early tomorrow to go and leave my daughter to kindergarten. But I promise that tomorrow you will see pictures from malmo
Sweet dreams everyone. Goodnight
Sweet dreams everyone. Goodnight
Some pictures when I was and met @alchemission in Malmo
Pictures of @alchemission comes up tonight when I was and met him in Malmo. Unfortunately I have not so many pictures because my camera was broken.
I've got some pictures of two of my girlfriends who also was down there to met Charlie. The pictures will be up tonight. Many thanks Laura and Marie for sending pictures to me =)
The hot guys of Eclipse
Jag vill tacka underbara CharlieBewleyVK för tipset.
Åh @alchemission är ju så himla vacker. Jag längtar jätte mycket tills det är dags att åka till Tyskland för att träffa Charlie och alla underbara människor som jag har fått kontakt med sen jag skaffade min blogg och twitter om Charlie. Ni är helt underbara och jag längtar tills vi ses =)

Åh @alchemission är ju så himla vacker. Jag längtar jätte mycket tills det är dags att åka till Tyskland för att träffa Charlie och alla underbara människor som jag har fått kontakt med sen jag skaffade min blogg och twitter om Charlie. Ni är helt underbara och jag längtar tills vi ses =)

More photos from SOF
Charlie's first set photo in Slightly single in LA

Maybe some of you read that Charlie was supposed to have a role in a new movie called "Slightly single in LA", with Haylie Duff, Lacey Chabert, Jonathan Bennett and Kip Pardue (I have to say it, I absolutely adore Kip Pardue since the movie "Remember the Titans, so I'm super excited!!!). No real evidence about it, just Charlie's name on IMDB. But finally there's the first picture from the set showing he's really part of it :D So thanks Jenny Karl Hair and Makeup (Los Angeles) for posting it on their facebook page! Together with the photo, here's the plot of the movie from Moviest.com, enjoy!
"Dale Squire is a hip, quirky, independent single gal living in the glossy city of Los Angeles. She makes ends meet by working in the obscure world of reality television, while pursuing her passion as a photographer. After several failed attempts in quasi-relationships, Dale concludes that finding a meaningful relationship in L.A. is impossible. After all, a girl can only take so many toe-sucking fashion photographers and star-seeking personal trainers. And in Los Angeles, there are many of these men. But being anti-social is tough for any young girl in Hollywood, and with Dale's entourage - Jill: a high maintenance ex-soap star obsessed with her own wedding, Becca: an honest C-list actress waiting for her big break in Hollywood, Seven: Dale's flamboyant house mate, and Hallie: a super sexy, laid back jewelry designer - she is lucky to have such a reliable group of friends in a city where it's easy to get lost. With Jill's frantic wedding right around the corner, Dale finds herself reflecting on the significance of marriage, and the mutual respect needed for a successful relationship. When Zach, a successful heartthrob actor and old friend of Dale's, finds his way back into her life, Dale slowly starts to think that maybe finding love in L.A. is possible - the only problem is that her realization might have come too late, leaving Dale in a silent love triangle, with no way out."

New unknown amazing photoshoot with @alchemission
Okay, first I must say, @alchemission, you are so beautiful in these pictures. You really get a girl to melt.
Tack vare Charliebewleyvk så har vi några nya bilder på vår underbara Charlie.
New photos and videos about Soldiers of Fortune
Så låt oss börja med något vi verkligen inte kan vänta att se: Charlie's nya projekt Soldiers of Fortune (med Christian Slater.). Tack vare CharlieBewleyGermany, CharlieBewleyVK och framför allt @AngelokStacy vi har några filmer och nya bilder från den inspelningen, så njut av det!

Agent Denim news
Det finns några nya bilder från en av Charlies gamla projekten, ombud Denim, en 22 "skott film. Inte bara, fanns också en del ytterligare information om det, även om det tyvärr fortfarande inte finns något datum, kommer vi någonsin att se det? Låt oss hoppas ...
"When a time-traveling baby from the future is stolen by the criminal mastermind, White Cobra (Charlie Bewley – Twilight: New Moon), the world has no choice but to turn to Agent Denim (Also Charlie Bewley), an emotionally unstable super-spy with questionable credentials. A bad situation takes a turn for the worse when the two rivals discover they share the same feisty girlfriend (Amber Cella)."
Source by wonderful Celeste
"When a time-traveling baby from the future is stolen by the criminal mastermind, White Cobra (Charlie Bewley – Twilight: New Moon), the world has no choice but to turn to Agent Denim (Also Charlie Bewley), an emotionally unstable super-spy with questionable credentials. A bad situation takes a turn for the worse when the two rivals discover they share the same feisty girlfriend (Amber Cella)."

Source by wonderful Celeste